COVID – To shame or not to shame

Bismillah, alhamdulillah: I came across an article which was highlighting the ‘poor’ behavior of patients in dealing with their dying relatives in an ICU setting in Blackburn. It made me reflect over the situation and try to understand the difficulties being faced by COVID patients and their relatives as they face death. On the oneContinue reading “COVID – To shame or not to shame”

Is it time for a COVID-19 tax?

Bismillah, alhamdulillah: The current tussle between Manchester and London over lockdown is a classic class struggle. Class is inextricably linked to physical health and medical outcomes. The lower the class the worse the outcomes. COVID-19 and the consequent change in social behavior and government imposed lockdowns may be magnifying the class effect. One of theContinue reading “Is it time for a COVID-19 tax?”