COVID19 Roundup 29 March 2020

*COVID19 Roundup 29 March 2020* Bismillah, alhamdulillah: everyday I learn something new, may Allah increase us in knowledge and benefit to our fellow human beings, thank you to all those who triggered by learning: *1/ Aerosol v airborne:* *Size reminder:* 1 micron = 1μm = 0.000001 metres (m) = 1000 nanometres (nm) = 1/1000000 m.  TheContinue reading “COVID19 Roundup 29 March 2020”

COVID19 Roundup from March 28

*COVID19 Roundup from March 28* _Bismillah, alhamdulillah:_ 1. WHO Research database site is down, no update for March 28. Usually gets published around 3pm (UTC) 2. PATIENT & PATHOLOGY: *Who is the patient?* Interview with Prof Ian Lipkin (Director, Center for Infection and Immunity) by Prof Vincent Racaniello (Dept of Micro and Immunology at ColumbiaContinue reading “COVID19 Roundup from March 28”

COVID19 Research Roundup 27 March 2020

*COVID19 Research Roundup 27 March 2020* _Bismillah, alhamdulillah:_ 1. EPIDEMIOLOGY Higher meteorological temperature is associated with increased dath rate but a small effect 2.92% increase in deaths for a one unit increase in temp. If both temperature and humidity increase it was associated with a decrease in deaths. CHINA 2. MEDS ACE2 receptor increase withContinue reading “COVID19 Research Roundup 27 March 2020”

COVID19 Tracking the mutations and its spread

Bismillah, alhamdulillah: There are 1543 genomes of hCov-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and a real time display of how the genome has changed (Fig 1) and its spread across the world by mutation (Fig 2).  There is an excellent visualising tool at As per the TWiV 594 podcast the data shows that no major mutation has occurredContinue reading “COVID19 Tracking the mutations and its spread”

COVID19 Research Roundup 26 March 2020

_Bismillah, alhamdulilah:_ 1. PROGNOSIS Coagulopathy is one of the most significant poor prognostic features 2. EPIDEMIOLOGY: Gender differences by age: >60y women more than men; <60y men more than women “There was a significantly higher frequency of women in the older patients compared with the younger patients (57.35% vs 46.47%, P=0.021)” 3. MEDS: CQ (Chloroquine)Continue reading “COVID19 Research Roundup 26 March 2020”

COVID19 Research Roundup 25 March 2020

*COVID19 Research Roundup 25 March 2020* _Bismillah, alhamdulillah_: _141 Studies published today on the WHO COVID19 25th March database, here are some notables. My filtered key studies version is here and has all refs:_ SAFETY: Posterior oropharyngeal saliva specimens are non-invasive and acceptable to patients and can be used for initial diagnosis and subsequent viralContinue reading “COVID19 Research Roundup 25 March 2020”

COVID19 – False positive rates

Key Points 1. In the close contacts of COVID-19 patients, nearly half or even more of the asymptomatic infected individuals reported in the active nucleic acid test screening might be false positives. Abstract Potential false-positive rate among the &apos;asymptomatic infected individuals’ in close contacts of COVID-19 patients As the prevention and control of COVID-19continues toContinue reading “COVID19 – False positive rates”

COVID19 Post-recovery PCR positive – passive or infective viral shedding?

Key points 1. SARS-CoV-2 patient treated with HXQ & Arbidol hydrochloride 2. TIMELINE: Gets COVID> Treated > Recovers > PCR negative x2 > then become positive but seems to have been asymptomatic when held in additional quarantine. > no final follow up mentioned in study 3. Infectivity of such patients is unclear. Abstract SARS-CoV-2 turnedContinue reading “COVID19 Post-recovery PCR positive – passive or infective viral shedding?”

COVID19 – lower mortality in patients with respiratory disease v cardiovascular disease – counterintuitive

Point of Note 1. Risk of mortality lower for those with underlying respiratory disease than with pre-existing cardiac pathology. Abstract COVID-19: social distancing, ACE 2 receptors, protease inhibitors and beyond? The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) emergency and the role of timely and effective national health surveillance I am most grateful to Dr Stein for his thoughtfulContinue reading “COVID19 – lower mortality in patients with respiratory disease v cardiovascular disease – counterintuitive”